
With the constantly changing landscape of international payments, we have gathered the relevant research and unpacked key insights  into this comprehensive guide.


Freemarket Connect provides a quick analysis of financial services, including; banking, currencies, FX, markets, payments and much much more.

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Are cross-border payments lagging behind the fintech revolution? Where does innovation in fintech come from? And how might previous examples of innovation give us clues as to where cross-border payments are headed next?


Are customers keeping pace with foreign exchange innovation? Finance directors, SME owners and high-net-worth individuals (‘HNWI’) across the UK spend millions each year on foreign exchange (‘FX’) costs. The following research shows that the majority are failing to capitalise on improving services and highly competitive transaction rates offered in a rapidly growing sector.


Finance directors, SME owners and high-net-worth individuals (HNWI) spend billions each year on foreign exchange (FX) transaction costs. Historically, most of their transactions are done through traditional, or legacy, intermediaries. Most commonly, banks. But more and more transaction decision-makers are beginning to realise the potential of peer-to-peer (P2P) financial systems and methodologies.