December 3, 2019
Read time: 3min

Trust: a key commodity in fintech

Trust is the key commodity in fintech: do your customers trust you, and how can you trust them? With complex intermediary relationships and cross-border transactions,
December 3, 2019
Read time: 6min

Ten trends today that every fintech must recognise

New technologies are driving disruption everywhere – and financial services is no exception. They are giving rise to new operating models, redefining the nature of work
December 3, 2019
Read time: 3min

Ten people you need to know in fintech

Navigating modern banking, payments, crypto, regulation and all the other trends in fintech is not a one-person job. Luckily, pioneers in the space are writing, speaking
December 3, 2019
Read time: 4min

Seven steps to better negotiating

Great deals survive long enough to give both parties some benefit. Even established leaders like Steve Jobs never stopped working on their negotiation skills. Here are
December 3, 2019
Read time: 3min

Can we trust Open Banking?

Open Banking makes financial data interoperable. But whilst the tech is in rude health, customer sentiment is far behind what fintechs might expect… The crash of 2008/09
December 3, 2019
Read time: 3min

A coffee with: Sam Gormley of Osaka Labs

Sam Gormley was an entrepreneur at 20, discovering bands for the Atlantic label. Now he’s marketing for fintechs and says the rules haven’t changed… While some might say
November 28, 2019
Read time: 3min

Brexit: what do the numbers really say?

Brexit isn’t all bad news. The effect on the UK economy is a tale of great economics yet also worrying uncertainty. Political uncertainty and a global economic slowdown